
CharacterCountisafreeonlinetoolthatcalculatesthenumberofcharactersandwordswritteninyourwriting.,TheKeyboardCounterisagreattoolformeasuringhowmanytimesyoupressyourkeyboardkeys.Itwillkeeptrackofyourkeystrokes,nomatterhowmanytimes ...,TheKeyboardCounterisasimpletoolthatallowsyoutocounthowmanytimesakeyhasbeenpressedonyourkeyboardanddisplaysthelastkeyyoupressed.,Enhancesyouraccuracy&productivit...

Character Counter

Character Count is a free online tool that calculates the number of characters and words written in your writing.

Keyboard Counter

The Keyboard Counter is a great tool for measuring how many times you press your keyboard keys. It will keep track of your keystrokes, no matter how many times ...

Keyboard Counter

The Keyboard Counter is a simple tool that allows you to count how many times a key has been pressed on your keyboard and displays the last key you pressed.

Keyboard Counter

Enhances your accuracy & productivity with online Keyboard Counter game. It helps in counting number of keypresses & touches you have made during typing.


Free app for monitoring keystroke count. Keycounter is a keyboard utility from Zhornsoftware. This simple software monitors the number of keystrokes made in a ...

Keystroke Count

Keystroke Count is an open-source, cross-platform, desktop app that you can use to get data for your keystrokes! This is Keystroke Count ...

Keystroke counter

The keystroke counter proves invaluable for enhancing productivity. It aids in identifying employee areas for improvement, tracking distractions, training gaps, ...

KeyStrokes - Key Press Counter

This simple-to-use and lightweight app allows you to track how many keyboard presses you make across Windows, simple as that! KeyStrokes runs quietly in the ...

Online Character Count Tool

Character Count Online is an online tool that lets you easily calculate and count the number of characters, words, sentences and paragraphs in your text.